Shrub Sterculia is a shrub that will
generally go unnoticed unless it happens to be flowering
or fruiting. The shrub is spindly with large spirally arranged leaves.
The stems are thickened at the top near the base of the leaf - this
feature is common to many species in Mallow family. Flowers are
creamish white, curious looking. Sepals are linear-lanceshaped, as long
as the sepal tube, tips long-pointed, curving in and joining to form a
cage-like flower. Seed-pods are red, oblong-ovate, 1-4-seeded, thickly
leathery, apex beaked. Seeds are black-brown, ellipsoid or oblong.
Shrub Sterculia is found in NE India and SE Asia, at altitudes of 300-1100 m.
Identification credit: Ritesh Choudhary
Photographed in Assam & Arunachal Pradesh.
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